New Developments

It has been a while since I have posted.  August has been full of events, some good and some bad.  I had asthma attacks due to the dust from the African desert.  The boyos were a great comfort as they snuggled up close while I was sick.

Then  I returned to counseling work for a week to cover for someone on vacation while the boyos stayed with their godmother for daycare.  I worked a series of some very long days, and after two years of being in retirement, I was exhausted.  I am afraid I rather neglected potty training st home.  I have had to  hard to get the boyos back on track.  Lessons learned.

Then after doing a lot of walking during a vacation in Corpus Christi touring the USS Lexington and the Texas State Aquarium, my back reacted very unpleasantly.  There has been more comfort snuggling with the boyos.

Another new development has been that despite my vows to the contrary and warnings to the contrary, the boyos are now sleeping with us all night.  It started out so innocently.  After taking them out at 3:00 AM, I would then let them sleep at my side till time to get up.  Then I began letting them on the bed from my bedtime on although I still take them out around 3:00 AM. Surprisingly, they are very quiet and still, burrowing down at my side under the covers.  I love the feeling of their little warm bodies next to me. I love them so much. We all get s very pleasant night’s sleep.  Winter sleeping should be wonderful.

The last new development is that I bought a new nap nest today so that each has his own bed. I thought they would still curl up together in one or the other, but they have each picked their own,  That seems especially good for Pepito as he develops more confidence and individuality.