Obedience Training

Initial training is slowly moving forward.  Carino, who has always exhibited confidence, has taken to leash training although he often gets almost too exuberant.  Pepito has at last ceased his “dead fish” routine when I put him in the harness and leash.  It took several weeks of just letting him drag the leash around the yard while I walked ahead of him, luring him with treats.

The two seem to have the “sit” command mastered, but “down” is a slower process.  We are not ready to move on to “stay.”  I keep reminding myself that these are not the Labs I have been accustomed to training.

J am currently considering having them trained as therapy dogs so that I can take them with me to the addiction treatment center where I go to teach yoga.  I have been taking them with me on a regular basis, and patients love them.  During class they have always slept peacefully throughout.  However, a recent new policy prohibits all dogs on campus unless they are certified as therapy or service dogs.  I have been doing online research and making phone calls.  The training and certification process is quite expensive, so Inam uncertain at this point.

In the meantime the two have been my personal therapy dogs this last week as I suffer through a severe asthmatic episode brought on by the influx of dust blown into Texas from the Sahara Desert, as crazy as that seems.  The dust particles are insidious and fine; I haven’t even noticed a haze in the air.  I just know I can barely breathe.  Carino and Pepito have lain uncomplainingly by my side on the bed and sat on my lap in the recliner.  They seem to pick up on my low energy and need to be still.  Today with new medication I feel a little better,  and they are romping around on the bed.  Dogs are very intuitive that way.  These two would be great therapy dogs.