Making Progress

The boys continue to expand their adventuring in the back yard and finding new places to pee and poop.  We are three days into NO ACCIDENTS in the house!  At 3 1/2 months they are really getting the idea of doing bathroom business outside.  Being on a three times a day food schedule has helped as has taking them outside regularly after meals, playing, and napping.  I have learned that it is important to be patient and allow them plenty of time to find “the moment.”  That is especially true for Carino.  I walk all around the back yard with them and encourage them to explore.  The weather here is hot and dry, and that is good for outdoor training.  I am not sure what will happen if we have inclement weather; I hope they will use their potty patches.  Again, I stress that the idea that Chihuahuas cannot be housetrained is ludicrous, but it does take commitment.

Pepito has reached a milestone this week.  His left ear is now standing upright!   We had begun to wonder if he would remain a floppy-eared Chihuahua!

Carino is really taking to leash training and leaps around, sniffs, explores as we walk a few houses down the street.  He still struggles with staying on my left side, but that will come with time.   Carino is very shy and has to be coaxed even to leave the porch.  I am practicing just laying down the leash and letting him walk while the leash trails behind him.

The two of them continue to be delightful, and I am so glad I got both of them!