The Process of Socialization: More New Friends

Socialization is so critical to the development of a healthy and stable personality, especially in toy breeds who without proper socialization can become rather unpleasant as adults. The window for socialization is very small, so I try to take Carino and Pepito to as many different places as possible. They visited one of our local tea shops Tea2Go last Saturday and today.  They met staff members who brought them water on this hot 97 degree day.  Other customers came by and greeted them as well, and they basked in the attention.

This evening Pepito and Carino attended my 4:30 Yoga class where they happily met my students, then slept quietly during the class.  They woke up to greet the teacher and students of the class following mine, and they contentedly enjoyed being petted and held.  They charm everyone they meet!