How It All Began

My relationship with Pepito and Carino did not really begin with them.  It began when I was six years old with a tiny black little Chihuahua named Mitzi, whom my father bought from a breeder in our little town for a bale of hay.  She transitioned over the Rainbow Bridge when I was a Junior in high school amid much sorrow.  Other Chihuahuas were to enjoy my mother’s loving care, even after I left home, went to college, married, and entered the world of big dogs–Labradors and Irish Setters.  I love both breeds, but after my last Irish Setter Killian passed away, I decided to return to life with small dogs, namely Chihuahuas.  Quite by accident (maybe), I met a woman at my favorite nail salon who sat with a tiny white Chihuahua on her lap.  She told me about a local breeder, and I contacted her–Ronda Aycock of Choya Chihuahuas.  She anticipated a litter quite soon, and it just felt as if all the stars were aligning!   Pictured is Peanut, the mother days before her babies were born………The photo is courtesy of Ronda, whose Facebook page CHOYA CHIHUAHUAS is filled with photos of her wonderful fur babies.